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The occurrence of embryo abnormalities was positively related to fish PCB concentration (other contaminants were also evaluated including metals and dioxins). A significant residue–effect relationship was found between total PCB concentration and embryo abnormalities.

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Mean whole-body concentrations of total PCBs ranged from 364.6 to 138,032.5 ng/g lipid. PCBs were measured in fish collected in three years. Laboratory incubations of abnormal embryos demonstrated that the observed abnormalities were lethal. Developmental abnormalities were assessed in damselfish embryos collected in the field during four natural spawning seasons (1996, 1998, 1999, and 2001). This study investigated the association between sediment contamination, PCB accumulation in adult nesting males and the occurrence of embryonic abnormalities in the damselfish, Abudefduf sordidus, from two sites with high PCB contamination and three “reference” sites (contaminants very low or not measurable) within Johnston Atoll, Central Pacific Ocean. Coral reef ecosystems under United States jurisdiction are defined as ecosystem in waters where any United States environmental regulations apply and does not imply that the United States Federal government subsumes jurisdiction within the territorial sea. (If future assessment shows that it is not feasible to combine these habitats for the purpose of biocriteria development, then the definition of coral reef ecosystem will be changed accordingly.) The biogeographic focus of this paper is coral reef ecosystems under U.S. Does sufficient need exist to justify preparation of a guidance document on the development of coral reef ecosystem biocriteria? Does sufficient information currently exist to draft this guidance? What data, research and/or projects are needed to facilitate development of such a guidance document? Because of the interconnections which can develop between coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangrove forests, these ecosystems are considered one for the purposes of coral reef ecosystem bioassessment and biocriteria development described here. 1996), we address the following questions.

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Following up on the conclusions and next steps presented in: A Coral Reef Symposium on Practical, Reliable, Low Cost Monitoring Methods for Assessing the Biota and Habitat Conditions of Coral Reefs (Crosby et al.

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The purpose of this paper is to provide the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with advice on the feasibility of establishing biological criteria for assessing coral reef ecosystems.

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